Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stupid Cats/5 more minutes

As the mother of an almost-4-month-old I don't get a whole lot of sleep. Basically, I try to only wake up just enough to do a quick diaper change, and move Annibelle to the other side so I can, hopefully, fall back asleep nursing her. My demon cat, Lammie, makes this really difficult, as she insists on sleeping in our room with us. (Which is usually a good idea, since she beats up Katie whenever she can get her cornered). The annoying part is that she is noisy... always knocking things over, scratching the scratch pad, or hitting the door to get out (or Jacks is pounding on it to get in). Lately, though, whenever I get up and head to the bathroom Lammie thinks it's because I need to feed her a can of food, (even though she has dry food in her dish). So around 6am this morning we go through this routine, but this time, as soon as I snuck back into bed, I heard a noise... What was she doing this time? I sat up to look; eeew. She threw up the can of food... right by the bedroom door! (Note to all: this is not normal behavior for my cats). I decide to let it go until I officially get up. I lay back down and close my eyes; Peter starts snoring. I hit him. Again, I try to fall back asleep... Lammie starts scratching the scratch pad; she stops. I close my eyes... The door starts banging around; I look for Lammie. It's Jacks on the other side trying to get in! I nudge Peter; he lets Jacks in. Jacks jumps on us and wants to lay on the baby... the SLEEPING baby. I nudge Peter and whisper for him to toss Jacks out; he does. Lay head back down... Lammie's at the door wanting out, and making a lot of noise about it. Finally I beg Peter to just throw all the cats outside, or somewhere; just don't wake the baby! Just let me get some sleep!!! I roll over and close my eyes, praying for some peace and quiet so I can sleep... then Annibelle starts fussing a bit; time to nurse again.
2 hours of sleep were lost.
Stupid cats.
(Jacks got back in later and wanted to eat the vomit. Gross.)
(Katie threw up on the kitchen floor later in the day.... must have all caught a bug. Lucky me).


GCC said...

Yeah, sometimes I'm a bit sad about the no-cats-in-our-bedroom-while-we're-sleeping rule (especially in the winter when it's nice to have a cat snuggling with and warming us!). Then I remember that it's all for the best. That sounds like an awful morning - I'm sorry!

The Miranda's said...

I remember sleepless nights too! It gets better. Eva is still waking up once, but it's so much better than every 2 hours! Hang in there and tell the cats to get out! : )

Mimi Collett said...

awww this is such a sad post! I hope your kitties feel better soon (so they feel better and so you don't have to clean up more puke)!

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