Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What to do?

Life is full of ups and downs, year to year, month to month, day to day, moment to moment. Mine seem to be more of the "moment to moment" type.
I'm not a big fan of change; it's hard for me. I still long for the 'good old days' when my siblings and I all lived at home together, staying up late and acting like fools while eating Totino's Pizzas. I long to have both parents alive; to have a father to turn to for help with my car, house, garden... I confess that as my mother prepares for her mission with excitement, I feel as though I'm just losing my last parent and becoming an orphan; what will I do? Who do I go to for advice? Who will stay up late with me, adoring my little baby girl and eating salty thing while discussing life and beyond?
So many changes stand at our door step; what/where will the next job be? Should we buy that house we have our eye on, (assuming my Roo finally gets paid)? Is it worth leaving a house we love, for a yard we long for? (Probably). Even more importantly, do I put my baby on that new drug or not? Will it help, or just cause new problems over time. (Not a big fan of medications). With the threat of another open-heart surgery hanging over our heads, I supposed medications aren't that bad in comparison... unless it doesn't help in the slightest. Hmph.
What to do??

Monday, June 1, 2009

Weed Killer...

A while back Peter and I bought some weed-killer; I wanted the kind you spray on each individual weed so I could be sure each one in the front yard would die. Unfortunately, as soon as it was put away, we had no idea where it was! We looked over and over in the garage, but to no avail. A couple weeks later we received a 'notice' in the mail from our Home Owners Assoc. saying that were were breaking some rule by having a dandelion in our yard. (As if I planted it there myself). Peter and I were suddenly quite happy we couldn't locate the weed-killer. =) Our way of spitting in the face of the HOA who doesn't even live here! (who the heck are they anyway?!)
Fast forward a week or so... My sister in law and I had a girls day out; it was great! And all about baby clothes! After using up our gift cards at Babies R Us we headed over to Chick Fil-A for some healthy nom. As we were ordering our food, each with a wiggly baby in our arms, I had a mommy moment and couldn't, for the life of me, remember the word "lemonade", instead all I could think was "vanilla" (Agh! Not in public!!) The guy at the register just stared at me like I was having a seizure. "Are you okay?", he asked. "Yeah; just having a mommy-moment; sorry.... Ummmm..... Uhhh......That." (I point to Rachel's cup of lemonade). Instead of understanding me, the guy thinks something's wrong with her drink! Ugh! Come on! My brain went on vacation!!!! What can I do? Finally, after laughing at myself and looking like a fool, I manage to get the right word out, and the guy behind the register begins filling my cup with lemonade,but not before giving me a strange look. While he does this, I proceed to laugh at myself and then tell Rachel how "The other day, I went to wash the bathroom mirror; I squirted on the cleaner, and before I wiped it off I sniffed...looked down at the container and realized I was holding the weed-killer I'd been looking for the last month! And it was all over my mirror!!" I felt so foolish, but had to laugh; hard. I laughed so hard I snorted. Rachel laughed too, but not hard enough to snort... all the while the guy behind the register is staring at me with concerned eyes. "Are you SURE you're OK?", he asks. I stop laughing. "Yeah. Pretty sure. As OK as any other mom", I reply. He carried our food over to the table for us, but kept that raised eyebrow look on his face that had "You escaped from the psych ward, didn't you?" written all over it.
...I still can't find the window cleaner.