Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


They say that life isn't about the destination, but the journey; I disagree. With a firm destination in mind we know where we are going, what roads to take and how to get there. But what happens when one person in a marriage changes their destination? Can the marriage survive? And how? I like to hope that the answer is yes, it can survive.
My husbands sudden change of beliefs isn't a secret, and isn't new to any of you, so I don't feel bad in the slightest writing about this. Some of you may wonder how I'm doing from time to time... my answer? It depends on the day. Some days are harder than others... today is one of those days; a day when hope has fled and left me wondering what the future will hold.
A month or so ago everything seemed on track. Not perfect, but at least my husband, daughter and I were on the same 'train', headed in the same direction. I could see down the line and imagine a long happy life together, and eternity too. Today, I wonder if we have enough glue to hold us together for another week, month, year... through the birth of another child. I wonder when he'll reach the point where he doesn't believe in family any more... or kids... or marriage. After all the surprises he's thrown at me in the past few weeks and months, little would surprise me at this point. Break me? Perhaps. But surprise me? Not likely.
I realize now that after more than a year of not getting to go to church regularly, I have a lot of catching up to do, for I need to be strong spiritually if I'm to be the spiritual mother and father to our kids. And, after some strange dramas within my own birth family, I realize that if I lose faith in God, along side my husband, then I will truly be broken, because He is all I have left to rely on. I only hope my tiny flicker of faith will be enough to get me and my little family safely through this trial and heart ache, because it's about all I've got left.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Irish Soda Bread: So tasty!

4 cups all purpose flour
1 Tablespoon baking Soda
1 Tablespoon Sugar
2 1/3 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 cups buttermilk
1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add wet ingredients and mix until it forms a soft dough.
Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for one minute. Shape into a slightly flattened ball and place on a greased pie pan or cookie sheet.
Cut a large cross in the top with a sharp knife.
Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes.

Serve with butter, jam or honey. It's delish! (Kind of like a really large biscuit).

They say to let this cool completely before cutting, but I didn't, and I'm glad! =)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cat Water

Yesterday I see Annibelle walking around with a little plastic cup; she's pretending to drink water out of it. Cute. Well, a while later I see her doing the same thing, only this time she's next to the cat's water bowl and IS drinking water out of it! Yuck!
Then, today I see her playing with the wooden spoon. Cute. Then I see her dipping it in the cat water and licking it off! Yuck! As soon as I see her I say, "Annbelle!" And she stands up, shakes her finger at me and says, "NO-no!"
It doesn't get better than this. =) <3