Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Try To Understand

So, I've been feeling a little frustrated with certain people... I realize it's VERY hard to see from another person's perspective, but some people really don't seem to try at all. Yes, it's true our little Cherub LOOKS perfectly healthy, all smiley and robust, but I PROMISE you, she has a life threatening disease. Really. I promise. And what would make a healthy child slightly ill REALLY could land this little angel in the hospital, (where she would likely catch her death). God entrusted her to ME because He KNOWS that I am the only one who can/will give her the love/attention/care/protection she MUST have to live. Try to remember this. Pass it on.
It drives me a little crazy when someone tells me, "Germs are everywhere; chill out", when I decline letting my daughter climb on a public play toy/area. She's so young, she really doesn't know what she's missing yet... and when she finally reaches that age where she just HAS to play in the ball pit, we're hoping her heart will be working with her body instead of against it.
Would everyone just TRY to be supportive and understanding? PLEASE?!?
Note: If you're reading this, you're probably not one of the folks I'm talking about. Probably.


MamaB said...

Yes, 'germs are everywhere' but I also won't give up the fight against them. Even 'healthy' people can be overwhelmed by germs, ie: sinus infection, flu, periodontal disease, ect. I didn't let my kids play on public equipment until they were quite a bit older than Annibelle. She isn't even a year old yet! You will know when she is ready for experiencing playgrounds. You are her mom. Nuff said!

Amy Rose said...

Hey! I just wanted to tell you that I love the new blog look. AND I love you. It was great to see you guys this weekend. Thanks for having us!

Mimi Collett said...

Thanks for having us over this weekend! :) I love you! And the spaghetti was amazing!

P.S. Annibelle looks so cute in her tutu!

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