Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Every Day A Miracle

So I nursed the Little Cherub to sleep while watching Lie to Me with my honey. After it ended I carefully carried this wee one up to bed and laid her down; at that moment I smelled the sour diaper and KNEW I couldn't just let her keep sleeping in it. So, I did what any good mommy would do and I took the risk and changed the diaper, silently hoping she'd go back to sleep. It didn't happen.
Feeling refreshed as if she'd just taken a lovely 'evening' nap, she was up and ready to go! This, my friends, is why I'm typing this at 1:40am.
This Little Cherub of mine has grown up leaps and bounds in the past 2 weeks. She's not the same babe she was. In fact, you could even call her a little girl! Next week this tiny angel of mine will turn 1 year old! It's both sad and thrilling to watch her grow up.
For the past month or so we've been letting her 'hop' up the stairs to bed at night. Last week she started 'stepping' up the stairs, one tall step at a time! She wants to do it just like we do! (so cute!)

A week ago, Sunday, she pulled herself up to standing, all by herself! She's been hanging onto the couch and walking around for a while now, but this was big news!

The next day I was over at my mom's house and my brother in law waved to her...and she waved back!!! First time ever! I'm such a proud mommy!

All week long this little one has been coming up with tons of new noises and sounds. She keeps us laughing! She's also been repeating back words to us! She's so smart!

This little one, though a joy, has also been a bit of a pain as of late. Very moody. It turns out she was teething again. That makes nine teeth now. This one is a molar! (No wonder she was so grumpy!)

And, after all of these sweets accomplishments, the cherry on top is that she finally took her first unassisted steps yesterday! We are so proud of her!

Being a mother is truly amazing! There's never a dull day in this line of work; every day is a miracle! <3


MamaB said...

I feel like I have done a Rip Van Winkle. I woke up this morning, read your blog, and the sweet baby is a little girl! I am so excited to see the walking, talking Annibelle very soon! I'm warning you that I'll do my best to teach her to say "GranB".

Ann said...

Each time my first child learned something new I would think "This is the BEST stage of life." Then they would start doing something else and I would think the same thing. This kept happening over and over again. Life is such an amazing thing.

MamaB said...

I agree. Being a mom is truly amazing!

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