Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The First Gift of Christmas

I decided that it's silly to give a 2 year old all of her Christmas gifts at once... of course, I decided that a little late, and only managed to 'wrap' up one the eve of Christmas eve for her to open. (I think in coming years I'll do a more Hanukkah-themed idea, and give a gift a day for a few days leading up to Christmas so that each toy will be truly appreciated).

I'd been busy baking all day, preparing for our big Christmas eve dinner with our friends here at our house. (Tomorrow will be full of more baking and a LOT of cleaning, and, hopefully, a shower). In the evening we ran to the store for a few last minute items, and our nap-less toddler had a huge meltdown at the store, which made it take even longer to get through with what we were doing and back out to the car. By the time we got home she was so over-tired that our attempt to get her into bed and asleep was useless, and before long she was back downstairs, claiming to be hungry, while only feeding her food to her stuffed monkey who sat in the chair beside her. (Remind me to wash that monkey).

As I finished up the dishes so my kitchen would be ready for baking first thing in the morning, I had Peter take Annibelle into the front room by the Christmas tree so I could pull her new Christmas jammies out of the dryer and put them in a gift bag for her to open.

I ran up the stairs with the pj's in a ball, hoping she wouldn't notice, found the nearest gift bag and stuffed them inside and piled tissue paper on top. Then, I ran down the stairs and placed it under the tree. "Annibelle, look! You're first Christmas preset!" She wasn't sure if it was ok to open it yet, so we assured her it was. Then, she noticed she'd seen this gift bag before and said, "Taybo heads!" (huh?) Oh, that's right; I'd given her her birthday potato heads in this bag. Geez she's bright!

Well, she was still too wired to be too excited about anything more than throwing the tissue paper all over the room and running around like a crazy child. And, I may have had to pin her down to get her clothes off of her and put her new monkey PJ's on, all the while trying to convince her that they're SO SPECIAL and CUTE! (Ooooh... Ahhhh!!) Normally she would have been truly thrilled; tonight she was just slap happy. And even though she was too hyper to care much about christmas pajamas, she was super happy to get to open a present, and that made my day! =)

Merry Christmas!

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