Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nephi's Enemies

I was reading 2nd Nephi chapter 4 the other day; it's one of my favorites! I always enjoyed reading Nephi's plea to God, but this time around I got a LOT more out of it.
Nephi prays for his 'enemies' (aka, his BROTHERS!) He prays that he won't be angry at them and for God to 'hedge up their way' rather than his. In the following chapter he prays for them to not be angry at him, but instead they became MORE angry! (Talk about an unanswered prayer!) But then the Lord prepares a way for him to take the righteous of his family and escape from the 'enemies'. (It's my belief that this happened as a sign to Nephi that it wasn't going to improve and to help him accept the need to move on w/out his siblings).
As I read this I couldn't help but thing of my own family. A few of you may know that I've had trouble with just about all of them at one point or another, the worst of it happening about a year and a half ago when a certain brother-in-law, (and the support of a few other family members), drove me to the brink of suicide. (No, I'm not crazy, it was just THAT bad of a situation). I was lucky enough that Peter was still willing, and worthy, to give me a blessing. He offered and I accepted and I am VERY grateful; it was a terrifying situation and time. (That happened to be the last priesthood blessing he ever gave). It was enough to pull me out of the hole I was in JUST ENOUGH to save me from death.
A lot of tears have been shed and prayers have been offered because of my family. I've been the recipient of a lot of verbal and emotional abuse 'within the home', and that is the hardest of all because those are the people you are supposed to be able to trust no matter what.
It's taken me a REALLY long time to understand fully that forgiving someone and letting them continue to abuse you are not the same thing. My mother doesn't seem to get it as she keeps telling me "We all just need to love and forgive each other", as if I'm the only one who isn't. Which is ironic, really, since I'm probably the ONLY one who actually has/does.
Not quite a year after that life changing incident Peter was offered a job in NYC and I said, "Let's GO!!!!!!" (And I haven't looked back!) I knew that if there would ever be a time where I'd feel like I could leave Indiana and my family there it would be while my mom was on her mission. (So I wouldn't feel like I had to stay and take care of her).
I'm really grateful that the Lord prepared a way for me to escape from my 'enemies', and from the hurt and abuse they were throwing at me. From here in NY it doesn't hurt my feelings that they don't invite me to family dinners or birthday parties and such things. I couldn't care less! It's wonderful! (Plust I've made some good friends here, something I didn't really have back in Indy).
I've put a lot of thought into if I'd ever go back... if Peter and I ever split or something. At first I thought, "Of course I'd run back to my mother!", but than as I thought about it more, I realized I'd be better off here trying to make it on my own than to be there trying to make it almost on my own with a lot of emotional, verbal and psychological abuse. I don't need that and my beautiful daughters will NEVER, EVER be allowed to be treated that way by my family. (Please note that I do have a couple siblings who are alright, and I am so VERY grateful for them).
Anyway, long story a little shorter, my eyes were opened a bit as I read these chapters and I realized that I have been blessed in getting to move away from a lot of the drama and pain. It also helped me to feel better about following what I feel I must do in my life, (despite my mothers belief that we can all live together w/out grief), and to really lean on the Lord in guiding me in this most difficult situation.
I'm really, truly grateful and blessed to have the gospel in my life. I'm grateful for the scriptures, and to have the Spirit to guide and teach me.


Amy Rose said...

I'm so glad we have the scriptures to learn from, and the Spirit to guide us as we try to figure out our lives here on Earth. Thanks for sharing this Mindee, we could all use this kind of lesson from time to time.

MamaB said...

I love you and your girls. I wish you weren't faced with these challenges. Hang on to your faith.

Mimi Collett said...

We love having you in our family! You are always welcome in Cincinnati.

And I am also so grateful for the lessons I learn from the scriptures. There always seem to be new words to highlight that have new meaning for me.

And sometimes, all you really can do is get away. And just let go of the bitterness and drama and leave it behind. And sadly, sometimes that means leaving the people behind, too. Because as you said, you can't let them keep hurting you and dragging you down.

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