Miss Mindee Vs. The World

Monday, April 5, 2010

Baa, baa, row a boat....

A few minutes ago Annibelle skinned her knee for the very first time. Luckily, she was wearing pants, so the wound isn't bad, but she stil got some antibiotic cream and a yellow bandaid to make her feel better. She insists on having that pant leg rolled up now. lol
Yesterday she started really singing two songs with me: Baa Baa Black Sheep, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat. It goes like this:

Annie: Row, row, row a boat
Me: Gently down the stream
Annie: may, may, may, may
Me: Life is but a dream

Annie: Ba, ba, ba, ba
Me: Have you any wool? yes sir, yes sir, 3 bags full (During this part, Annibelle nods her head).
Me: One for my master, one for the dane, one for the little boy who lives down the lane (Annibelle tries to count these on her fingers, just like mommy; it's quite funny and adorable, as she hasn't quite figured it out yet).
Annie: Ba, ba, ba, ba
Me: have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, 3 bags full.

then it's back to Row, row, row... =) She could do this all day. <3


Ann said...

I love to sing with kids. Owen likes to sing too, and it's so cute.
I just saw the Easter pictures on Facebook. They are sooo adorable. Do you get complete strangers coming up to you to tell you how cute Annibelle is? You should.

"M" said...

Ann, we actually so get strangers coming up to us all the time to tell us how cute she is, how much they love her hair, and how big and blue her eyes are. We've even had men at Lowes do this! lol She is a beautiful little girl. <3

Amy Rose said...

I love love love imagining her "counting" on her little fingers, and nodding her head to you... I wish I could see it!

Mimi Collett said...

awww how sweet! And what a smartie girl to be trying to count with her fingers already!!

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