April 30th was our 2 year anniversary. I can admit that the week leading up to it was our hardest yet; I was dreading this day we were supposed to 'celebrate', because I didn't feel like celebrating.
The night before, Peter went to a lot of work to install a night-vision camera in the bedroom that connects to our t.v. downstairs so I can watch/hear our little one sleeping when she's up and I'm down. Very sweet. It still needs to be tweaked, but will be great when I works right. That softened my heart a bit.
On the 'big day' we went to a late lunch/early dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, El Torito. We were one of 2 couples there, and Baby-Roo had fallen asleep on the way over, so it was like we were on a date by ourselves. Unfortunately for us, the cooks had not deviened the shrimp like they were supposed to, and that kind of ruined it for me. We also ordered fried ice cream, but it was gross; I was really surprised. Luckily, the manager asked how our meal was and we told her about the shrimp, so she gave us our meal for free! I guess that made it worthwhile. We left a nice-sized tip for our server and headed over to the fashion mall so Peter could pick out a new lap top, as his old/new one recently bit the dust.
Shopping at the fashion mall was my favorite part of the date! We went into Gymboree and shopped through the sale racks; we bought all sorts of onesies for us and our new nieces, and even bought a few sun-hats for the babe. What a cutie she is!!
Next we tried to find some jeans for me; no luck. It is really hard to fit this butt with these short legs!
So, we headed back towards the Apple store, stopped in William Sonoma to look for a crepe pan; didn't want to pay $100 for it, so we moved on to the Body Shop! That was FUN! Peter let me try some little make up items on him... it was a blast! And I got to get some new eye shadow! The whole time I was in there I kept thinking of Amy, though, and how I want to buy eye cream from her, so I'd better not buy it here. lol
Peter found the newest and bestest Apple laptop he could, and Baby-Roo and I left him there to finish the job so I could feed the baby. Of course, Peter took MUCH longer than expected, so the babe and I were forced to shop for pretty shoes! Eventually Peter arrived and took a seat next to the sleeping babe while I was fitted for some cute Sunday/dress shoes. While trying on shoes a 'flaming' and envious salesman walked by, noticed Peter next to the stroller and surrounded by Apple treasures; he paused and said to Peter, "Congratulations! ....enjoy your new computer! I'm Green (with envy)". Are you kidding me? Congratulations on your computer?!?! Hello! Don't you mean, congratulations on your new baby? No offense, but gay people have some REALLY screwed up priorities. I wanted to trip the guy.
Anyway, that was pretty much our day. In all we ended up with a new laptop, printer, 3 pairs of shoes, 3 sun hats, a lot of cute baby clothes, some new makeup, a free meal, and a sleeping baby. It was a day to remember. =)
May the next two years be better and easier! ...Please.